Learning and studying techniques
Learning to learn
Your path for most effective learning is through knowing...
Your path for most effective learning is through knowing...
Succeeding in continuing education
Continuing education can seem like a strange, new world...
Continuing education can seem like a strange, new world...
Visual/spatial learning
Learning, for visual-spatial learners, takes place all at once...
Learning, for visual-spatial learners, takes place all at once...
Learning as a student-athlete or student-performer
Indicators of a "kinesthetic intelligence" or body smarts...
Indicators of a "kinesthetic intelligence" or body smarts...
Learning as an adult
Does higher education seem like a foreign culture to you?
Does higher education seem like a foreign culture to you?
Learning with ADHD
You are not alone if you have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder...
You are not alone if you have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder...
Active learning
Active learning is experiential, mindful, and engaging...
Active learning is experiential, mindful, and engaging...
Action learning
Action learning is a learning and problem-solving strategy for organizations...
Action learning is a learning and problem-solving strategy for organizations...
Language learning strategies
In learning a language, we follow the advice that practice make perfect, and patience a helpful virtue...
In learning a language, we follow the advice that practice make perfect, and patience a helpful virtue...
Effective study habits -Assessing study skills
You can prepare yourself to succeed in your studies. Try to develop and appreciate the following habits...
A.S.P.I.R.E. - a study system
Approach | Select | Piece | Investigate | Re-evaluate | Evaluate/Explore
Approach | Select | Piece | Investigate | Re-evaluate | Evaluate/Explore
Index - a study system
that gives you an accurate perception of how well you know the material, and forces you to think about it, rather than just look over it...
that gives you an accurate perception of how well you know the material, and forces you to think about it, rather than just look over it...
Create, & study with, flashcards
This simple study technique has proved to be one of the most effective study strategies for memorizing...
This simple study technique has proved to be one of the most effective study strategies for memorizing...
Studying with multiple sources
Course information can be delivered through a variety of formats...
Course information can be delivered through a variety of formats...
Finding the right study space
It may be that changing where you study will bring better results. What area works best for you?
It may be that changing where you study will bring better results. What area works best for you?
Online learning and communicating:
Online learning: questions to ask
Preparing yourself for an online course, whether it is totally online or with some classroom time (blended learning), is a matter of asking a series of questions...
Preparing yourself for an online course, whether it is totally online or with some classroom time (blended learning), is a matter of asking a series of questions...
Distance learning: types and preparation
There are a several forms of distance education or online courses...
There are a several forms of distance education or online courses...
Mobile learning (M-learning) with handheld devices
Both in and out of the classroom, or a combination of both (blended learning) you can use your pocket cell phones, note books and mobile devices for your learning projects...
Both in and out of the classroom, or a combination of both (blended learning) you can use your pocket cell phones, note books and mobile devices for your learning projects...
Taking online tests
An online exam has several variations, but all involve technology...
An online exam has several variations, but all involve technology...
Communicating clearly on the Internet without creating misunderstandings is a challenge...
Communicating clearly on the Internet without creating misunderstandings is a challenge...
Basics: Website development
There are many tools which will enable you to create clear, effective websites...
There are many tools which will enable you to create clear, effective websites...
Basics: Website design
Standards in designing Web pages can accommodate a wide range of devices, whether handheld or desktop...
Standards in designing Web pages can accommodate a wide range of devices, whether handheld or desktop...
Making your website popular
Search engine optimization (SEO): Position and optimize your web site traffic with search engines and directories
Search engine optimization (SEO): Position and optimize your web site traffic with search engines and directories
Online resources
Featured Online College
Online colleges cater to the working student. CC-SD's San Diego California Collegeshave both physical campus locations and online study to work with any students needs.
Online colleges cater to the working student. CC-SD's San Diego California Collegeshave both physical campus locations and online study to work with any students needs.
Collegeonline.org -
Find a college online by area, degree type, or online vs campus offerings.
Find a college online by area, degree type, or online vs campus offerings.
Classroom participation:
Preparing for the classroom
Compared to classrooms in some countries, United States' classrooms tend to be informal. There are, however, some very important basic rules:
Compared to classrooms in some countries, United States' classrooms tend to be informal. There are, however, some very important basic rules:
Class "prep"/paying attention
If you have difficulty paying attention to what is happening in your next class...
If you have difficulty paying attention to what is happening in your next class...
Classroom discussions
At the appropriate time in (American) classroom discussions, don't be afraid to voice your opinion
At the appropriate time in (American) classroom discussions, don't be afraid to voice your opinion
Taking notes in lectures
You can develop your own note taking system and study strategy with the five "R's" of note-taking...
You can develop your own note taking system and study strategy with the five "R's" of note-taking...
Influencing teachers
Good communication skills affect how well you do in the classroom, with your teacher, and in your studies!
Good communication skills affect how well you do in the classroom, with your teacher, and in your studies!
Interviewing for class projects
Preparation: The more structure and preparation you demonstrate to your subject, the better the interview will be.
Preparation: The more structure and preparation you demonstrate to your subject, the better the interview will be.
Consent form for interviews
Adapt this form with your teacher and/or school authorities...
Adapt this form with your teacher and/or school authorities...
Problem based learning
Problem-based learning (PBL) is an exciting alternative to traditional classroom learning. With PBL, your teacher presents you with a problem, not lectures or assignments or exercises.
Problem-based learning (PBL) is an exciting alternative to traditional classroom learning. With PBL, your teacher presents you with a problem, not lectures or assignments or exercises.
Using guided notes
Guided Notes are teacher-prepared hand-outs that outline or map lectures, but leave "blank" space for key concepts, facts, definitions...
Guided Notes are teacher-prepared hand-outs that outline or map lectures, but leave "blank" space for key concepts, facts, definitions...
Learning with others:
Collaborative/cooperative learning
Cooperative or collaborative learning is a team process where members support and rely on each other...
Cooperative or collaborative learning is a team process where members support and rely on each other...
Group projects
Learning and working in groups involves shared and/or learned values...
Learning and working in groups involves shared and/or learned values...
Active Listening
Active, effective listening is a habit, as well as the foundation of effective communication...
Active, effective listening is a habit, as well as the foundation of effective communication...
Conflict resolution
One way to peacefully resolve conflict is for each side to come together voluntarily...
One way to peacefully resolve conflict is for each side to come together voluntarily...
Case study:: conflict resolution
A case study in conflict resolution between roommates...
A case study in conflict resolution between roommates...
Peer mediation
Peer mediation is both a program and a process where students of the same age-group facilitate resolving disputes
Peer mediation is both a program and a process where students of the same age-group facilitate resolving disputes
Tutoring guidelines
A tutor provides expertise, experience, and encouragement. They do not provide "answers,"...
A tutor provides expertise, experience, and encouragement. They do not provide "answers,"...
Using feedback with tutors
Modeling non-defensive behavior in the classroom can be critical to demonstrating effective use of feedback for teachers and students.
Modeling non-defensive behavior in the classroom can be critical to demonstrating effective use of feedback for teachers and students.
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